EAH! black label one of a kind pieces
by EAH! by Eva Anna HekkingInformation
作品名 | EAH! black label one of a kind pieces: EAH! Sweet Funky Pink Necklace. EAH! Blue Lagoon Necklace. EAH! Neon Love Fever Necklace. EAH! Neon Surprise Party Necklace. |
サイズ | |
素材 | 組紐、レーザーカットアクリル、アクリル絵具、スワロフスキー |
価格 | EAH! Sweet Funky Pink Necklace.:17,140円(税抜) EAH! Blue Lagoon Necklace.:17,140円(税抜) EAH! Neon Love Fever Necklace.:28,560円(税抜) EAH! Neon Surprise Party Necklace.:28,560円(税抜) |
Tokyo girl
EAH!ブラックレーベルはアムステルダムで作られる一点モノのアイテムです。ビヨンセやアギネスギーン、ミスジェイアレキサンダー、タイラバンクスやキャンディーダルファーなどのセレブリティがEAH! を愛用しています。今回は、日本の女の子が身につけるイメージで初めてデザインしました。EAH!はユニークなパーソナリティを表現するインターナショナルなブランドであり、どんな年齢の方でも個性的に着こなせます。

Eva Anna Hekking

Nationality : The Netherland
Eva Anna Hekkingは2004年にオランダのアイントホーフェンデザインアカデミーを卒業しました。在学中、ファーストコレクションのバッグはいくつかのインターナショナルな展示会で発表されました。大学卒業後は、ミュンヘンと上海で修士を修了しました。その後、いくつかのインターナショナルファッションブランドでの経験を経て、Artez Institute of the Artsにて修士取得。2007年にStudio EAH!を設立、ファッション・プロダクト・インテリアデザイン・グラフィックデザインと様々なクリエイティブを行っている。2008年のアムステルダムファッションウィークの期間中にファッションレーベルを立ち上げ、ダウンタウンで行われたいくつかのプログラムに参加しました。EAH! ブラックレーベルはヨーロッパを中心に、ドレスやアクセサリーを販売しています。
websiteHow to enjoy my work
EAH! はドレスなどに合うパーティーウェアをデザインしています。オランダの格言にこのようなものがあります。「人生はパーティー。でも自分でデコレーションをしないといけない。」EAH!のジュエリーはお祝いの時やパーティーなどに活躍します。シンブルな黒や白のドレスやジャケットにもよく合います。または、大胆でカラフルな組み合わせをお楽しみください。
Title | EAH! black label one of a kind pieces: EAH! Sweet Funky Pink Necklace. EAH! Blue Lagoon Necklace. EAH! Neon Love Fever Necklace. EAH! Neon Surprise Party Necklace. |
Size | |
Material | Braided rope, Laser-cut design shapes, Arcylic paint, Swarovski elements |
Price | EAH! Sweet Funky Pink Necklace.:17,140JPY(Exc. tax) EAH! Blue Lagoon Necklace.:17,140JPY(Exc. tax) EAH! Neon Love Fever Necklace.:28,560JPY(Exc. tax) EAH! Neon Surprise Party Necklace.:28,560JPY(Exc. tax) |
EAH! Black label are all one of a kind pieces made in Amsterdam, EAH! pink label is a one time sold commercial label sould through Europe.
Inspired by the DIY and green think wave EAH! handmade designs for 2012 are all about recycling materials. Today the young generation is very much into DIY. The latest fashion trends are directly translated on fashion blogs into easy‘do it yourself’creations. This hype influenced also the streetfashion image. The old-fashioned hobby feeling,‘doing it yourself at home got a whole new refreshed direction on itself again. Eva found this an interesting movement itself to work with. It says today everybody can be a designer and at the same time many fashiontrends express you can make them yourself. Lots of handwork. Nexto that also professionals, due the crises developments and expensive production costs, choose to keep production close to home again in their atelier. But also in the thought of Green thinking Eva decided to re-use left over materials from previous collections instead of buying new materials, to use little found objects found and recycle old bags. Grandma’s vintage handbag gets a new life. A mixture between old and new materials give an exciting mix. E.V.A. Elisabeth Victoria Antoinette is the customade luxurious line meant for videoclips en television programs.
Story of product
Seriously crazy
All of Hekking's works are full of crazy power. She must follow her inspirations and through them, she created a new series of Tokyo imagines. She kept adding many things to her work because she wanted a Japanese girl to have it. Who is going to use such a flashily item? But that is lovely! Everybody says so. This work is the image of Tokyo for Hekking who is from Holland. Please take in your hand. If you put it on, it flies and goes anywhere by her power!

Eva Anna Hekking

Nationality : The Netherland
EAH! designs are mainly intended for evening and party wear. The designs are outspoken and certainly not made for the sober minimalist. They express to celebrate life. A Dutch saying is: 'Life is a party, but you need to hang up the decoration by yourself’.EAH! jewelry and bags finish your outfit very well for a special festive occasion or particular party. The festive accessories can be worn on or a very simple outfit, such as a beautiful black or white dress or jacket.
Or a person who dares to do some good styling him or herself, may combine it with an entire bold colorful outfit. International celebrities like Beyonce, Agness Deyn, Miss Jay Alexander, Tyra Banks and Candy Dulfer have a unique piece in their wardrobe. EAH! is an international minded label that creates accessories for unique personalities. Age doesn’t matter, EAH! personality does.
How to enjoy my work
EAH! designs are mainly intended for evening and party wear. The designs are outspoken and certainly not made for the sober minimalist. They express to celebrate life. A Dutch saying is: 'Life is a party, but you need to hang up the decoration by yourself’.EAH! jewelry and bags finish your outfit very well for a special festive occasion or particular party. The festive accessories can be worn on or a very simple outfit, such as a beautiful black or white dress or jacket.
Or a person who dares to do some good styling him or herself, may combine it with an entire bold colorful outfit. International celebrities like Beyonce, Agness Deyn, Miss Jay Alexander, Tyra Banks and Candy Dulfer have a unique piece in their wardrobe. EAH! is an international minded label that creates accessories for unique personalities. Age doesn’t matter, EAH! personality does.