Acorn jar / Among the trees
by DECHEMInformation
作品名 | Acorn jar / Among the trees |
サイズ | 1. Acorn jar: D8×160 cm 2. Among the trees apple green:D15×H8,5 cm uran color:D20×H17 cm |
素材 | 1. Acorn jar:ソーダ石灰ガラス、ウォールナッ 2. Among the trees:ソーダ石灰ガラス |
価格 | 1. Acorn jar:24,000円(税抜) 2. Among the trees:18,720円(税抜) |
Made by Forestというコレクションです。長い時間をかけて、森から家へと…。拾って、集めて、歩いて、まとめて、愛して…。森の痕跡と、痕跡の森。すべての商品は一点一点、手で彫り、塗り、そして磨いて作ります。
Among the treesは木と木の間にガラスを吹き入れて制作した作品です。結果として木の構造がコピーされた形が生まれました。生まれたラインは上から見た森の深さを表しています。
スピリチュアルなガラスチェコ出身のデザイナーDECHEMの2人から届いた、森をイメージして制作した神秘的なガラスです。どちらも全て手作業で丁寧に作られていて、それぞれにスピリチュアルなパワーが宿っています。Acorn jarは蓋がウォールナットでできていて、ガラス部分は木の実がなった植物が彫られています。Among the treesは木々を集めてきて、その間にガラスを流し込み形成しています。出来上がった形は、まさに自然を表していて一つとして同じ形は生まれません。そばに置いておくだけで自然の恩恵を受けられるかもしれません。



Nationality : Czech Republic
チェコ出身のMichaela TomiskovaとJakub Jandourekの男女二人組のデザイナーです。
Michaelaは2011年にプラハのAAADのプロダクトデザイン科を卒業しました。ユトレヒトのHKUでグラフィックデザインとマテリアル実験のレジデンスプログラムに参加。ロッテルダムの Richard Hutton Studioでインターンシップを経験しました。現在、フリーランスデザイナーとしてフードデザインやインテリアプロダクトデザインを中心に活動中。
Jakubは2007年にプラハのCUFAの文化理論研究を終了しました。2005年以降彼はガラスに興味を持ち始め、Novy Borにあるガラススクールを卒業しました。材料学とその生産技術に関する理論的および実用知識を学びました。その後、Ajeto Anna TorfsやLasvit, Rony Pleslでデザイナーとして働いた後、現在はフリーランスのガラスプロダクションマネージャーとして活動中。
How to enjoy my work
Title | Acorn jar / Among the trees |
Size | 1. Acorn jar: D8×160 cm 2. Among the trees apple green:D15×H8,5 cm uran color:D20×H17 cm |
Material | 1. Acorn jar:soda-lime glass type, walnut 2. Among the trees:soda-lime glass type |
Price | 1. Acorn jar:24,000 JPY (Exc. tax) 2. Among the trees:18,720 JPY (Exc. tax) |
A Collection for Made by Forest - for ages and ages, from the forest into the house... Picking, collecting, walking, gathering, loving... Imprints of a forest, forest of imprints.A collection of hand engraved, hand ground and sanded cases, bowls and flacons inspired by outdoor walks, wild berry picking and the scent of a forest.
Collection of bowls blown into the trees. Resulting form copies the structure of a tree and the product line represents view from above to depth of the forest.
Story of product
A spiritual glass
The mystical glasses, which were created with forest images by two designers DECHEM, were delivered from The Czech Republic. All works were carefully made by hand, and imbued with spiritual power. The lid of “Acorn Jar” is made from a walnut tree, and the glass was carved with designs from plants producing nuts. “Among the Trees” was shaped by pouring glass among trees which were collected. The completed shape is perfectly demonstrated nature, and the same shape has never appeared. You may receive the blessing of nature if you place it nearby.



Nationality : Czech Republic
In 2011 Michaela Tomiskova finished her studies of product design at AAAD in Prague. She attended residency programs in graphic design, material experiments at HKU in Utrecht. She did her internship in Richard Hutton Studio in Rotterdam. At present, she is a freelance designer specializing in food design, product design and interior object design.
In 2007 Jakub Jandourek finished Cultural Theory studies at CUFA in Prague. Since 2005 he started taking interest in glass and eventually graduated from Glass School in Novy Bor, where he gained theoretical and practical knowledge about this material and its production technology. He worked in such companies and designers as Ajeto, Anna Torfs, Lasvit, Rony Plesl. At present he is a freelance Glass production manager.
How to enjoy my work
We would like the you to take the object at home, in your favourite environment and let it stay for few days just with no usage. Later on the right function will appear as the result of need. You will perhaps come back from the forests with dry fruits or brown seeds and will need the powerful safe place to store it. There is energy track in every piece of glass we make for you. Use it.